
I just read the book of Amos in the Bible and wow, it's like a book of God ranting. He says to and through his prophet Amos:
I'll destroy you, city of Damascus, for pounding Gilead to a pulp. I'll destroy you, Gaza, because you took captive communities which you sold to others. And Ammon, destruction will come upon you because you ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead. Also, Moab, you will be destroyed for burning the bones of Edom's king.  
And you – you – Israel. You most of all – the one I chose, the one I have loved and shown favour upon. You will be destroyed for selling the poor for your rich wants, denying justice to the oppressed, adulterous ways, and so much more. Are you blaming others for dragging you into sin? You can't! After all, doesn't it take two hands to clap? If you want to sin, fine, go ahead and do what you want to do!  
The solution is to seek me and live, but you don't! No matter what I do, you do not return to me. Even when I allow calamity to push you towards me, you don't call out to me. Do you think you are any better than others? No. I will sift out the good from the bad, you sinners! 

And then, it is as if God sighs, and he says:
But. But, I will restore David's tent. At the end of the day, you are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whom I made a covenant with. Yes, you... are my people. 
At the end of the day, yes, I will restore you. Despite all your rejection and rebellion, one day, yes one day, I will bring you home. Home to where you belong, to the place where I have allotted to you, and where you will be, always.

Such an emotional charge! Rant, rant, rant. Can't stand the evil of those cities especially His beloved Israel whom He showered love upon. So He does what a Holy God naturally does – brings judgement. But in the end, we see other aspects of His character. Despite all the crap from humankind, our holy God is also a God who is everlasting, faithful, and a promise-keeper even to mere man, till the end.


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