Song of Songs

Some thoughts from reading this book of the Bible recently. The book is mainly Solomon and his beloved expressing their love for each other.

"... when I found the one my heart loves. 
I held him and would not let him go." 
–Song of Songs 3:4

When I first read this verse, I was quite enraptured by it – wow, what a love. Holding on and not ever letting go. This is the kind of love we should have for God.

But reading it now, I realise it does show, unabashedly, love for a person. 

Sometimes, we over-analyse and relate everything back to God. While it probably does relate back to God, we shouldn't skip the immediate, explicit meaning as well. Here, the woman tells us clearly that she has one – King Solomon, a man – her heart loves, and she held him and would not let him go. It is a love that she basks in and is proud to proclaim.

Come to think of it, it's like marriage. Where a man and woman come together before their family and friends to proclaim – in sickness and in health, till death do us part. That is the strength of our love, that is the commitment of our love.

"You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride... 
How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride!"
 –Song of Songs 4:9, 10

Many people would probably go, wuuuud, after reading "my sister, my bride". I mean, who wants to marry someone who is their sibling or like their sibling? But if you look at Songs 8:1–2, you'll see that the woman wishes Solomon was someone she grew up with. Perhaps that was because in their time, it was very common to marry cousins or people in their tribe whom they grew up with. That might be why the idea of a "sister" becoming your bride was normal.

Also, it can be seen as how a man could give a woman protection and friendship as a sister, and romance as a bride. Or how a person is first a sister or brother, before they get involved in romance and are a bride or husband.

"Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." 
–Song of Songs 2:7

I am guilty of quoting this without knowing what it actually means. I mean, what is "until it so desires"? It is a timeframe? Or a "when you are ready"? How do you know when you are ready? I still can't say I completely get it, but here are my suggestions for now.

First, Songs describes a very strong, intense, intoxicating love. It could be that the woman is warming us about the strong force of love. Once you arouse or awaken it, it is something that could "hit" you and involve you so deeply that it potentially consumes you, so you had better be prepared for it.

Second, Songs 8:8 says "before she is spoken for". While there does not seem to be a direct link to the above verse, it made me think of how it could mean: Don't desire until there is a matched desire. When there is a matched desire, it is time to let love be awakened. So don't just go around looking for love and attaching yourself to other people romantically so quickly. After all, nobody hopes for romantic love that is one way. Instead, look for a response. Look for a match. If there is one, then it might be time to really open your heart to a romantic love.


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