Annie Snels

We're currently moving house and in the bid to get rid of furniture, we posted some on gumtree. The very night I posted up our furniture, I got an sms expressing interest and to email the person back. So fast! We were so excited. I emailed the person, and got this back:

Ian read it and said, you know what? This could be phishing – asking for your account details and address, and not wanting to meet in person. I was like, huhhhh? So we decided not to reply first. Later, I googled "Annie Snels New Zealand Oil and Gas" to see if there was personal information so I could figure if this person was legitimate or not. And guess what I found?

Lo and behold! Ha. Apparently whoever's behind this has been using this Annie Snels persona quite a few times. You can see the details here – always the same story. So interesting right... my first experience with phishing. Don't get scammed when you sell things online!


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