Work hazards?

Work-related (un)consciousness:

1. Work email
I've been using gmail for personal and freelance projects for the past year. Today, I set up an account for a restaurant I've been freelancing for. Opening Mac Mail, sending an email, seeing that inbox and layout... gosh... it felt good. I think I might have missed that sort of work email/email application.

2. Advertisements
Ads pop up all the time when I'm watching videos. If there is an option to click "Skip Ad", I always click it so I don't waste time watching something I am not interested in. But if I forget to click "Skip Ad" because I'm away from my desk at that moment, I actually feel a tad bad because that advertiser probably had to pay a few cents more for an uninterested person who didn't even view the ad.

This applies to Facebook as well. I consciously not click Facebook ads if I am only somewhat interested in them, so they won't have to be paid for. Not my money but, weird or what? Maybe it's because I kind of know the cost of these sorts of advertising and want to "do unto others what I'd like them to do to me" ha ha.

3. Google search
When I google for something and what I want appears first as an Ad and second as just a search option, I click on the latter – so the company doesn't have to pay for the search. Though okay you could argue something about stats but anyway...



Mei Yii said…

I got to know your blog through Lillian. I just had to comment on the ad thing because that is exactly what I do. I don't ever click on the ad ones even if it is the one that I was looking for and I do scroll down for the non-ad one. Haha!

Nice to know your blog (and about you). :)

Mei Yii
(your new follower :))
overfluo said…
Hi Mei Yii, ^5 on that!
Thanks for saying hi. Nice to "meet" you!
Left a comment on your blog : )

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