Thank You

"Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life." –Proverbs 4:13 NIV

God, You are the only one who never lets me down. Thank You that I can trust in You. You are constant, steady, faithful. You are my rock, my foundation, my cornerstone, my pillar. You are the One on which I stand, yet also the One whom I stand under, sheltered. You keep me under Your umbrella, You keep me. Thank You. 

Thank You. 


Anonymous said…
Hello there! I've seen that you moved site, how exciting! :)
I've been lusting over that name "burningpassion" for ages and now that it's technically free, I was wondering if you would mind giving me your old blogspot domain? Would be simply awesome. Thank you so much in advance!
Love, Anna :)

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