4 Questions

Taking a leaf from my cousin's blog, here's asking questions and answering them in an attempt to write, to write anything.

Busy with...
Inspecting houses. We've been spending our Saturdays looking at homes and while it started out as fun, and still is fun in a way because I do love looking at houses, it has gotten a bit tiring. Let's see how this one goes.

Wishing for...
a house that is suitable in terms of location, layout and price.

Looking forward to...
getting that house.

Thinking of...
that house.

Haha. I'm actually quite serious. But I don't think that's how the above questionnaire is supposed to work. So let me try again:

Busy with...
Inspecting houses, as above. But also, busy with work on the weekdays. I've got more on my plate but I'm enjoying it as it's what I like to do and the team is great.

Wishing for...
our next holiday. Every time I chance upon a picture from our holiday in Thailand late last year, I feel a little forlorn because it's likely we will not have a holiday so soon.

Looking forward to...
Monday because tomorrow is a special Monday – Labour Day in Melbourne! Which means it's a day off for me. Day offs are funny when you have a job. On one hand I am glad that I have an extra day to rest and play and do what I want. On the other hand if you are busy at work, a day off means "losing" a day and having to do more in the following work days. But still, I'm glad to have a day off!

Thinking of...
what to say at my upcoming review at work. I think I am generally doing well and I hope I am actually doing really well.

To end off for today, this image below might seem completely unrelated to my post but it is... somewhat related. I googled "home" and up came this movie, which I want to watch. Sooo. There you go.


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