The Little Red Book of Wisdom
Years ago at my first full time job, the CEO gave everyone a book for Christmas. The book was "The Little Red Book of Wisdom" by Mark DeMoss.
It is a great book with bite sized wisdom. In it are 23 wise tips for life, backed by an easy-to-read 4 - 8 pages of explanation for each tip. It's very easy to digest, and possible to apply. I recommend it.
Here are a few of my favourites which I subscribe to:
Buy some stamps (reclaiming the lost art of letter writing)
I've always loved writing, so much so that a big part of my job involves writing. I've also always loved receiving letters and have been encouraged by written words, and so have always put effort to paying that forward.
Technology isn't everything (learning to use it wisely)
Sure there are times I do so much on my phone it gets bad for my eyes, but there are also times where I can completely put away my phone and not not attend to it. I think it's good to not always have to be "on demand" and answer to every beck and call of others.
Shut up and listen (learn to listen more than you speak)Here are a few which I can work on in the near future:
I like listening and don't see the point of speaking when others have already expressed exactly the same thoughts. What I have to improve on, though, is forming thoughts upon listening – forming my opinion.
God owns it all (a wise perspective on things)
At the end of the day, it all goes back into the box (says James Dobson). We play the game, we make mistakes, we love, we cry, we achieve... and at the end of the day, it all goes back into the box. How does this affect how I view life?
The wisdom of firsts (the first hour, the first day, the first dime)
What will I give my first and best attention?
The wisdom of age (seek out older people)
I used to engage in more of this. I had mentors who were older than me and I hung out with them quite a bit and gained their input and wisdom. However after moving to Australia, this has become a challenge as my social circles have changed. What can I do to change this?