Billy Graham Quotes – Part 2

"From the very beginning of my career, I was frightened – I still am – that I would do something to dishonor the Lord." –Time Magazine, 1988

On what God expects of us: "If you fail to use each day's deposits, you cannot have overdrafts. Your only choice is to use it or lose it. The Lord expects us to use what we have whether money, time or talent." –At Palm Beach Atlantic College, 1997

"Sometimes judgement is strange and sudden. There's an escape. There's a way out. It's so easy. God didn't say, 'Do great things.' He said, 'Repent and believe.'" –The Charlotte Observer, 1996

"Everyone is trying to find peace and happiness, and many times in the wrong place. There's a man in the Bible who was the richest man. The sexiest man. And the most powerful man in his generation... His name was Solomon. He decided he was going to find every pleasure there is... But at the end of it all he said, 'I haven't found satisfaction in any of this.' He was a man of tremendous knowledge. But you can't come to God with your mind alone." –Chicago Tribune, 2001

"Our youth are looking to be loved, recognized as individuals, accepted, listened to. They want the security, authority, discipline and someone to believe in, to satisfy their hearts." –The New York Post, 2005

"If you have not loved God with all your heart... since the day you were born, you have sinned; if you have not loved your neighbour as yourself – no matter what the color of his skin – you have sinned; if you have carried hate in your heart, you have sinned." –The Florida Times-Union, 2000

"Jesus taught there are two roads to life. Many of you are in the ruts of life and you just keep on going and you don't change. But there's a highway that God has built for us. He offers us an opportunity to get out of those ruts and to get on a magnificent freeway, a diamond lane that will take you to heaven. Death is not our final destination, only the doorway to it. Only those prepared to die are really prepared to live." –PR Newswire, 1997


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