Humpty Dumpty

In a couple of days I'm managed to give myself three mini injuries, and two of them on the same day.

Yesterday I found a little bruise on my hand – no idea where that came from.

Today while opening a semi-heavy door in a rush I didn't move my feet quick enough and totally whacked it into my big toe. I had to pause because of the pain, and then I felt the effect go through my whole body; like a hot/cold fever sensation go up my body (how weird was that). Then it went away after 10 seconds and it was just my toe that was throbbing and now there's a blue-black spot there. You don't realise the value of your big toe until it gets injured even a little, then you see how much it supports your everyday walking.

Then later at home while shaking my prized Jelly Belly jar to get the jellybeans in it unstuck, a piece of the glass somehow suddenly broke off?! And my finger got cut -_- Sadness, because e brought that jar back for me from the USA and I love it!

So kwa zhang (exaggerated) right. But I never bluff you.


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