A Few Things

Last night I watched a show where a man woke up and realised it was all a dream. After that in my sleep I dreamt I was waking up from a dream over and over again. It was very tiring because I kept waking up – but not really because I was dreaming. I think I was quite confused. 

Got bak kwa?
I was recently in Singapore where my Dad got me some pork floss (fried pork snack) to bring back. At Melbourne customs I declared bringing meat into the country. The guy checking my bag said, Bee Cheng Hiang? Yes. Got bak kwa? No, only pork floss. Okay. Yesss – loved that he mentioned Bee Cheng Hiang. It's like, you know me and my people mans.

Old friends and old strangers
Living overseas, it is hard to stay in touch with many friends. There are only a few you can properly keep in touch with. This trip back I visited some old familiar haunts like church and workplaces. In church there were old friends but also old strangers – people whom I've seen week after week for two decades, and who either have new family additions, grown up, grown older, or look the same. There was a nice familiarity in it. 

Habits make home
I do miss family and it was really precious to spend time with them. After so many goodbyes from each time I fly, I still had to hold back tears this round and wonder what the airport screening guys thinks when he sees my watery eyes or how many times a day he sees that emotion. But at the end of the day, when I got off the plane and e gave me a hug, and we arrived at our habitation of the past two years where my towel and cup and bed and sofa and heater and everything else were in its now familiar place, it was the best feeling and a place of rest (and I slept from 9am to 4pm straight heh). 

When slow internet is good
During this trip I had limited access to the Internet. I chose not to buy a SIM card for my phone and only used wifi in the evenings at home. And most of the time, the wifi was slow. This meant slow loading of Facebook, Instagram and videos. Which meant they were too frustrating to see/watch, and I didn't bother with them. It was good for my soul and my heart and my thinking and of course, my eyes. 

And I know that the heart of life is good. YOU are perfect in all of Your ways. You're a good, good Father. You are. 


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