Always in nesting mode

One of the perks of having all this free time while on maternity leave, is doing whatever I want to – like finally finishing the watercolour of the second house we lived in. And getting super organised and cleaning the house.

I was asked the other day if I've gotten into "nesting mode" yet. Well, I have always been an organiser. I'm always looking around the house, finding ways to neaten things up, store them better, or more recently also get rid of what we don't need. If this normality gets any more intense, then maybe that would be "nesting" for me.

Another thing I did today was organise my feedly with good reads. As a quick reader it's easy to skim through, but the danger is in not actually processing what's read and thinking critically about it.

One of the reads I like is Michael Hyatt's blog. He talks about productivity, leadership, and how to be your best self. He came up with a journal – one with guiding questions that gets you to write on paper – something I believe in myself. Somehow when you write, and write on paper, thoughts flow differently.

These are the questions from his journal, which are encouraged for daily reflection:

  • Look back: What happened in the past day? What were my biggest wins? What lessons did I learn?
  • Right now: What am I thankful for right now? How am I feeling right now?
  • Look ahead: What did I read or hear? What stood out? What can I do to move forward on my goals?
Perhaps good ones for you and I to think about.


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