Home is heaven + photocabin

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather then to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong." - Ecclesiastes 5:1 When we go to the house of God, listen . -- Plane rides are so surreal. Eight hours, suspended in air. Suddenly, in another land. Home. Home is heaven. And I thank God I can bring heaven with me wherever I go. So I am always home. I remember Abi taught me - a kingdom is where there is a king. So, so long He reigns in my life, the Kingdom of God is within me. And no matter where I am geographically, I am always home. -- Ah. Imagine when the next time I leave Melbourne, it'll be for good. But well, it's not about the place; it's about the people (: -- Okay just because visuals make a post more interesting, well, welcome to my world - One day while studying for exams and needing a break, la photo cabine came to the rescue! And. I can't believe it. I am putting pictures of myself. Just me alone...