From The Vine today- Isaiah writes, "… I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed" (Isaiah 50:7 NKJV). Make up your mind to let no one stand in the way of doing what God has called you to do. Your first calling is to please the Lord, not others. ("like a flint" = like a stone; hard and unyielding) A few days ago I wrote- I must get this straight: I am not a people-pleaser. I am, instead, a God-pleaser, ie, a true worshipper. It's not always easy, you know - to be a God-pleaser and not a people-pleaser. But when we see things in light of the bigger picture, when we know our priorities and set ourselves "like flint", determined, then it gets easier to choose what is necessary over what is, well, nice. And sometimes I have to tell myself - oh who cares what people say! So long as I know I'm doing what is right! Who are you to judge (me)? And who I am to judge (you)? I am a God-pleaser. Well, I want to be (: -- A rec...