
Showing posts from October, 2007

Hungry for more.

Hungry for more. I need wisdom, Lord. - Passion and Purity Elisabeth Elliot What looked to Jim like “militant morality” was partly the knowledge that is deep in a woman that she holds the key to the situation where a man’s passions are involved. He will be as much of a gentleman as she requires and, when the chips are down, probably no more, even if he has strict standards of his own. This is not necessarily because he wants to go as far as possible. It is sometimes from a confused sense of obligation, or even chivalry, to meet her expectations.

Wisdom teeth, Boasting in the Lord, Conviction:Randomness

Today, I present randomness (what's new). - I am going to get the stitches in my mouth removed! (Extracted a wisdom tooth earlier.) I can eat anything you know. Just that I have to eat slowly. Not bad right - my friend ate porridge for a week. I've been eating grapes - instead of popping them in, I stuff them in my mouth. Since I can't open my mouth wide enough. - I have a Paul Frank theme for my phone! Oh yea, it's a new phone! But it has a lousy 18MB! So I am going to get a memory card for it. But anyway. It is a nice phone. - Mac people hurry call me I want my mac back from the hospeetaal. I like my mac a lot. I know you like yours too! - Today, someone I respect told me (in a positive way) that I am who I am because of Christ in me. And I blog this, to boast in Christ. Because I am what I am, only because of His grace. And I am very thankful to God, most honestly. Sometimes when I say these “God things”, I feel like I’m being too spiritual or whatever. But the fact ...
Hahaha.... Straits Times forum, in reply to a letter regarding culture in Singapore, this guy writes - "Perhaps constant education may help. Instead of harangueing "Please mind the gap" MRT may perhaps announce "Let's promote a gracious society. Avoid pushing or running"..." and another replies with - "Are you new to Singapore? The MRT is a commercial entity that reminds 'please mind the gap' for its customers' safety..." Okay sorry if you don't find it funny. But I do :D - Passion and Purity Elisabeth Elliot At a singles conference in the Northwest last month I was handed a blue slip of paper that said, “How do you tell a guy/gal no? How do you keep a safe distance?” I smiled inside, thinking of how simple the answer is. You can do it in two ways: the English language and body language. You say no, and you move away.”


I was hungry. I had bread and nutella. I am happy. Goodnight!

Parenting, Passion and Purity, Shimmery sea creatures

I attended a course, Engaging Youths Through their Culture and there were two main thoughts in my mind. 1) I am still very much a teenager. 2) Every parent should be attending this! Srsly. Because well, parenting is not an easy job. And parenting teenagers is defintely not easy. And only if more parents understood all these things about teenagers. My parents did a pretty good job :D There's a verse somewhere in the Bible which says something about parents being the pride of their children. When I first read that I had to re-read it to make sure they didn't mean the other way round. Then I realised that yes it's true - that while children are the pride of their parents, parents are the pride of their children too. Cos see if children are well brought up, they can be proud that they had super parents (super in many ways). - Passion and Purity Elisabeth Elliot God knew that giving me Jim when I wanted him would not provide the far more important training I needed for things t...

Passion and Purity

Passion and Purity Elisabeth Elliot By the grace of God we have not been left to ourselves in the matter of who is to do the initiating. Adam needed a helper. God fashioned one to the specifications of his need and brought her to him. It was Adam’s job to husband her, that is, he was responsible – to care for, protect, provide for, and cherish her. Males, as the physical design alone would show, are made to be initiators. Females are made to be receptors, responders. It was not arbitrarily that God called Himself Israel’s bridegroom and Israel His Bride, not Christ the Head and the Church the Body and the Bride. He woos us, calls us, wins us, gives us His name, shares with us His destiny, takes responsibility for us, loves us with a love stronger than death. The spiritual paradigm defines the relationship of men and women, specifically that of husbands and wives, since that is the central human union. The symbols matter enormously. They matter enormously, because they represent the rel...

Passion n Purity

Passion and Purity Elisabeth Elliot (Paragraphs not linked. As in, they're not all from one chunk. They are different parts of the book.) My father counseled his four sons never to say “I love you” to a woman until they were ready to follow immediately with “Will you marry me?” Nor should they think of saying “Will you marry me?” unless they had first said “I love you.” How much pain and confusion would be averted if men followed that rule... Let’s be candid with ourselves and before God. Call a spade a spade or even a muddy shovel. If your passions are aroused, say so – to yourself and to God, not to the object of your passion. Then turn the reins over to God. Bring your will to Him. Will to obey Him, ask for His help. He will not do the obeying for you, but He will help you. Don’t ask me how. He knows how. You’ll see... Resist the temptation to trifle with other people’s feelings. It may be fun to “play the fish,” like a trout on a fly line, but it is cruel, it is dishonest, and...

passion and purity: loneliness

Passion and Purity Elisabeth Elliot (What to do with loneliness) Be still and know that He is God Remember that you are not alone Give thanks Refuse self-pity Accept your loneliness Offer up your loneliness to God Do something for somebody else

Jesus take me as I am

I learnt a new song today. Jesus take me as I am I can come no other way Take me deeper into You Make my flesh life melt away Make me like a precious stone Crystal clear and finely honed Life of Jesus shining through Giving glory back to You