
Showing posts from November, 2004
"and if the world caved in around me, to you i'd still hold on. 'cause you're all that i believe. you're the one who created me Jesus, because of you. i'm free..." - free , hillsongs The Cost (What's so amazing about grace?) Philip Yancey In the movie The Last Emperor, the young child anointed as the last emperor of China lives in a magical life of luxury with a thousand enunch servants at his command. "What happens when you do wrong?" his brother asks. "When i do wrong, someone else is punished," the boy emperor replies. To demonstrate, he breaks a jar, and one of the servants is beaten. In Christian theology, Jesus reversed that ancient pattern : when the servants erred, the King was punished. Grace is free only because the giver himself has borne the cost.
eight hours straight on the computer. oh maaan. but ok well, i'm happy. it's quiet wide awake i am :/ ha ha. :) early morning air is good. really good... ok well. on to more important matters :) The Cost (What's so amazing about grace?) Philip Yancey In the movie The Last Emperor , the young child anointed as the last emperor of China lives in a magical life of luxury with a thousand enunch servants at his command. "What happens when you do wrong?" his brother asks. "When i do wrong, someone else is punished," the boy emperor replies. To demonstrate, he breaks a jar, and one of the servants is beaten. In Christian theology, Jesus reversed that ancient pattern : when the servants erred, the King was punished. Grace is free only because the giver himself has borne the cost.
"let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God." -Stuart Briscoe
company "if a person doesn't think there's a God to be accountable to, then what's the point of trying to modify your behaviour to keep it within acceptable range? " - some guy i haven't checked it out yet. it's about evolution being :/ and about blah blah. so says dr don ratten. ".........................(matthew 7:24-29...about the house built upon the rock and blah)... then came the storm. in every life what we've built is subject to raging winds and rising floods. they will come. Christ warns that the only indestructible house is the one built upon the rock of His teachings. the strength of our houses is not dependent upon on salvation. it's not dependent on our faith. it's dependent upon our willingness to live according to God's word........." -Beth Moore's "Whispers of Hope" ok. that's like, the only thing that's short enough for me to type. i...
so now there's a computer at home cos chinmei's back from the hostel. the screen's beeeg. my vsc friend got model making. that's a pid module. and she's like... :/ and i'm like, :/ too. chords. ok. monday tuesday wednesday night will be spent doing chords. and i think i should stay home and not go help my mom in the shop cos well, i have to do other stuff too. like draw some funny flowers and squiddy things and spiders and snakes for chinsiew for some brochure or smtg that she's doing (she's in the uh, poisons toxins blah dept or smtg) and sort of like, design some journal for chinee for acsi.which is due this weekend. woot! hokaays. oh. i FINALLY went jogging today. sheesh. after so long :/ just a short jog. but well, at least i went. bells tmr. bardee! wanna come? ok. maybe next time. but by then, i'll have schoool! Things to bring for worship retreat : Clothes, bible, pen, uh. no need sleeping bag ok...we're s...
Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. - Mark Twain small group time was pretty good today. gareth taught for the first time. :) on prayer. being an AYSGL. mm. joyce did ask me about being an aysgl. but well, i said no to it. as much as i'd like to be an aysgl, well, i don't really think i'll be able to really commit to it cos there's ministry and well, i've chosen my ministry over small group so well, yeaps :) best do one thing well than do a lot of things uh, not so well. so well God, here's me for yoouu. hello God :) -me
some stuff from the book "don't waste your life" by john piper ... talking about glorifying God. we want to magnify him. 2 ways of magnifying. magnifying like a microscope : make smtg tiny look bigger than it is magnifying like a telescope : make smtg unimaginably great look like what it really is. Magnifying God like that is worship. "we do not use the word "cool" to describe true greatness. it's a small word. it's cheap. and that's what millions of young people live for." (uh huh) i can't find my worship notes from "enter the worship circle" on my yellow pieces of paper :/ where are you, notes? one day one day one day oneday onedayone dayone dayoneday onedayonedayonedayone dayonedayonedaymyoneday. you know, just now, i was reading in the room of mom's salon. then this song played on 90.5FM - the Lord's prayer, to the tune of auld la? syne. it was like a march. and i just had to...
whylailai east coast in the morning. cycling. tried on a pair or rollerblades. woot! i haven't gone blading for like, 2 years? weird guy on the mrt just now was asking me what book i was reading. so i showed him - "don't waste your life" by john piper. picture of a cross in front. was a pretty freaky guy. :/ and dinner + fellowship at yang-shen's house was good. band charity, sound crew, andrea and me. band charity's now band cawcaw. did i spell it correctly? yea. band cawcaw. :D hah the cows the candles the corns the chinhuis - just that i'm not in that band i can't remember what else ah. i'm rambling. it's so sad that when everyone's having holidays (in december), i'll be having school!!!! pfft. ohwells. what is upupupupup. hello lala. your brand new "practical" (haha) bible is with me. quick! meet up soon! then i can pass it to you :D bardee, bells prac is on we...
Worship Retreat 26th - 27th November 2004 (Friday 8am - Saturday, after Saturday service) Check-in : Wesley Methodist Church, Wesley Hall, 8am * It's an overnight camp. We'll be staying at YWCA. (the rooms. not the hall :D) To bring : The usual stuff clothes, toiletries, bible, pen, and whatever else you want to bring i guess Auditions for the Worship Team (includes sound crew and "clickers") Anybody who want to join, look for Andrea or me hokays? Yep. if you know any of your friends who are interested in joining...yeaps. tell them (: Would be better if they join before the they can come for the retreat too. welcome to the worship team Grace ((: 9.30 Ushers Bring $10 next Sunday for your ushering tee-shirts. thanks Buckaroo doesn't serve good food anymore. used to be owned by americans. now it's owned by chinese. the calamari tasted like rubber =/ i like my quite big family :)
thank you everybody :) um. sorry it's so hard to get me to go out. haha. :) anyway, it was nice staying home today. when it's a public holiday and everyone's home, the front windows are open wide and so the home's brightly lit. and then my sis will take a nice cd to play outside. haha. erm.s basically, it's just nice to have everyone home and blah blah :) ok it wasn't everyone. another sis was at the hostel :) the camp song is out! whoohoo! thanks to jeremy, eugene and joshua!
my right eye's like, slightly swollen. like, below. like, very little so you can't really see that it's swollen unless you look closely. it's painful if i blink hard :/ :D :/ ok well. hello everyboday. hello grace. hello grace the ((: see ya saturday! um, i'll sms you the time on friday ok? yeaps. went back to pl today for bells practice. mr fong's practice :)) was good :) it's only their second practice and they've pretty much got the base of the song out already! whoohoo! and it's so fun to go back and help out :) mr fong remembers me! haha. and they don't like their conductor for everything else. as in, mr fong's only for syf. for everything else, it's another 2 girls. so dumb. mr fong's so good-they should just keep him for always. the other 2 conductors are :/ bleargh. it's nice to be playing bells again :) and i remember our super treble - jeanette, cheryl and me. 3 pple playing all the upper notes. h...
i told my mommy -my birthday's on deepavali this year! my mommy told me -you're the true light :) haha the other day, my mother crimped my hair. just a bit la. when she's free, she like, tries to bun up my hair or whatever dah dah. some time ago, my hair was put in rollers. imagine chinhui will curly hair :D haha
"existence precedes essence" that is, i don't find meaning - i create it. the Bible is a lump of clay, and i am the potter. Interpretation is creation. my existence as a subject creates the "essence" of the object..." -" dont waste your life " by john piper ok. i'm going to another church this sunday! with lala and pearl :) everybody who reads this! please please please tell everyone in ym that there's worship team auditions on the 13th of november, saturday from 2-6pm at the music room. whoever wants to come (musicians, vocalists, sound crew, multimedia aka clickers) should call andrea or me. um. ask worship team members for our contacts. or you can email me at hokay? thank you very very very the much. please tell everybody ok? regardless of whether you're in the worship team or not. tell your small groups! and have i mentioned? ok yes in an email. but anyway, worship team retreat - 26...
hello. chinhui decides to blog. ok. so what shall i blog about? *thinks* ok. my job . started on friday. i'm working at some place in sembawang. office job. cos it's my friend's uncle's company and they're rushing for a deadline or smtg so well, i'm there to help. what do i do? ok. basically, i check files. check until my eyes like....blur. it's a pretty boring job. and everybody speaks chinese. how sad. ok. sorry. haha. uhhh. basically, i don't like my job. hahahahhaa. it gets incredibly frustrating when like...ok.....i'm supposed to check these files for this thing. and then after i check thirty files, my friend (who's in-charge of checking all the files) comes and says....aye jinghui. i forgot to tell you. must also check that. oh. kay. and i'm like... dotdotdot. argh. but today during lunch break i talked to her a lot and it was good cos i don't really know her well so well, it was nice getting to...