
Showing posts from July, 2008

Listening to the Holy Spirit

I've learnt that God's grace is sufficient for us. At every moment of our lives, He gives the grace sufficient for each moment. That is how I can do things, and look back and wonder how that ever came out of me. And I realise that God gave me the grace sufficient for that moment, to do that thing. Therefore it is important to obey the Holy Spirit's prompting. Maybe He's prompting me to "worship in song" at this moment, or to just rest in His presence, because He wants to give me a song out of it - I don't know. If I choose not to obey, I might have "missed" that song. So whatever the Holy Spirit asks me to do, I must do. If I don't, well honestly, it's my loss. This applies to other areas of life as well, and not just songwriting. A lot of people ask, "How do you know it's God speaking to you?" Hm this is a tough one. It's one of those things where you can't really describe fully - you have to experience it for yours...

To be like You

Come touch me with Your presence I come and bow down at Your feet -- Thought: Where are You, Lord? You are always with Your people. There, You love to dwell. You inhabit the praises of Your people - Your people were made to praise You. That means You want to live with us! You created us to live with us! And we live with You, when we praise You! :) -- To be like You You are the Holy One Righteous and set apart There is none like You There is none like You You are beloved, Lord Centre of my desire I long to know You more I long to know You more I want to be like You I want to be like You Transform me Lord each day Into Your image I want to be like You I want to be like You Come touch me with Your presence I come an d bow down at Your feet -- Time alone with God today started with the above song. Come touch me with Your presence, I come and bow down at Your feet. And God really did touch me with His presence. It was, wow. This thought came into my mind: What's the highest praise...

His Plans

At first, I complained when I got shifted from a Monday tutorial I wanted, to a Tuesday one, because it meant I had to go to school on Mondays and Tuesdays for only an hour. I really wanted an extra day off! But well, all things always work for good. Having a Tuesday instead of Monday tutorial means one, I get this lecturer instead of the other one. And this one is more passionate and you can really tell she wants her students to learn, so class is quite fun! Two, it forces me to wake up not-too-late because class is at 10am. And three, if I didn't have school on Tuesday, I'd be too lazy to go to school if I had to go to library or have a meeting. So seeing that I have no school on Wednesdays, I'd most probably delay things till Thursday. Which is not good. So yes. I had plans, but they weren't the best. So they got changed somehow and well, they're all good now. -- Sometimes, God takes us places we never dreamt of. You know the phrase "beyond your wildest drea...

Train ride - song

Train ride Sitting on a train Looking out my window People and things go by A thought pops into my mind Share it, but with whom? How 'bout You? Sometimes it seems You'd be more real If I could message, call or email You But often I do not realise That You are closer than I think You are Just because I do not touch You It does not mean You are not there Just because there's no voice I hear It does not mean You do not speak You have a million things to tell me To share - we'll laugh, we'll cry And sometimes, we'll just be Sitting on a train Looking out my window People and things go by A thought pops into my mind Share it, and we grin People think I'm crazy Who cares - I'm with You 'Tis our journey -- Based on my love for rides. I take rides with Jesus, which is why as much as a friend's company is nice, I like to not take transport with friends sometimes. Many people think doing things alone is so, well, lonely. I beg to differ. I once heard this ...

A page from my notebook

A page from my notebook, filled up today. Sermon notes from service today on the left, drawing of a part of melbourne central station on the right. I had an hour to spare while waiting for friends, so I sat below the clock, and took out my paper and pen. Extremely squiggly lines are due unsteady hands, thanks to today's cold, further washed with rain. -- The grand weaver Ravi Zacharias When your will becomes aligned with God’s will, his calling upon you has found its home. The Bible clearly lays down the starting point for this, and it is not terribly hard to discern. Whenever someone exercises leadership in the Bible, you notice the extraordinary lengths to which God goes in his pronouncement of the character and the vision of the person pursuing the call: “he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord” (see, for example, 2 Kings 14:3, 15:3, 34); “he did evil in the eyes of the Lord” (see, for example, 2 Kings 13:2, 11; 14:24). One of these two lines summarizes years and years of ...

Smiley-faced eggs

Guess what I found in the fridge today! Smiley-faced eggs! Haha so cool right. I was so surprised! I took a close look to see if they were drawn on. Turns out, no! They were printed on! Now that's a cool egg-producing company.

Fitzroy Gardens with God

The usual Sunday ritual of taking a slow walk to Clayton station and going to the city where church is, by myself. I enjoy it. It's sort of like my time alone with God. For everyone, whether with God or not, I suppose time away from everything and everyone, time alone, is good. It's also my reminder to slow down. Sometimes we walk quickly, do things quickly, for no reason. We just want to be quick. Hurry hurry hurry! Here's Clayton train station. Fitzroy Gardens is just beside Dallas Brook's Centre where church is held. We always walk pass it. I wonder how many people have actually explored the gardens! This Sunday, I decided to take the long way round Fitzroy Gardens, then maybe be ten minutes late for the prayer meeting. I took out my camera, and started snapping (I promised to make better use of my camera). Very blue sky and very green grass. And tall trees. Soon, I was lost. It's not like the garden is that big. But it's not that small either. I couldn't...

The Last Empress: Perpectives and contentment

Okay so here is a picture of me in a dress: Okay you can't really see the dress well. But still, it is a picture of me in a dress. That's the bestest eldest sister in the world beside me. The hair you see is the flower girl's. My mom did it! And that's my third uncle - looking a younger version of my Dad. Anyway, I'm back in Melbourne! I brought a photo of me and my brother :D Plus that cool little boat. Wanting to use up my Kino voucher, I bought the book, Empress Orchid , and was so absorbed in it! It was good enough for me to buy the sequel, The Last Empress . My father cultivated in us some interest in the history of China. And now, my housemate Shierly, and I, have Uncle Oliver to tell us more stories, usually at dinner time. I haven't read storybooks in so long, this was refreshing. Let me tell you a bit about it. The world painted the empress as an ugly, scheming, power-hungry woman, but Anchee Min puts her in a completely different light. Perspectives ...

Leaving Singapore for Melbourne again

I discovered how to record stuff on my mac, without having to use a plug-in! Thanks to Joy, because of the session we spent singing and recording PL songs, with Eunice! :D Ah I feel so silly, because I've been recording on my super lousy quality phone! However, better quality also means amplification of the imperfections. Heh. Now, to figure how to compress the recording because they currently hold at about 20MB each. Going to Melbourne this time is painful, unlike when I first left five months ago in February. Maybe because I haven't had enough time to actually properly say hi to everyone and everything here, and I already have to leave. It's kinda queer. But anyways, I am excited to go back. To see what God has in store for the next semester in Melbourne! I know it's gonna be an awesome sem :) My Keds, alike Little Red's red Birkenstocks: signature – in that we wear them (almost) all the time. My Keds are killing my feet, because I have worn them out so the cushio...

Siew's wedding + Wei's OCF Open Day

THE PURSUIT is relentless. -- My second sister got married last Saturday. Page boy Shawn, Bride Chin Siew, Flower girl Jasmine. My happy grandparents and third sister. Dad walking his daughter down the aisle. When Rev Melvin Huang asked if he would give his daughter to be wedded to Raymond, my Dad said an "I do" which was resounding and confident enough to make the congregation laugh with his joy and at his enthusiasm. Presenting Mr and Mrs Raymond Koh. -- My brother is serving the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) now, where after his Basic Military Training (BMT), he got drafted to the Officer Cadet School (OCS). Too bad this first part of the course only ends 13th July, because I'll be heading back to Melbourne before that. So we were upset because it kind of sucks that the whole short time I'm in Singapore, my brother is in camp. But ohwells. Thank God there was OCS open day for his wing today, so the family went down to say hello and look-s...